VHDL subprograms defined within an VHDL entity declaration are transformed into member functions of the entity class. Further, each entity class has a constructor and destructor.
Methods | Description |
'Entity_Class' (name_stack iname,
map_list *mlist) |
Elaborates the declaration part. ``iname'' is the instance name of the current entity, ``mlist'' pointer to a list containing the mapping information for signal and generic parameters of the entity. |
~ 'Entity_Class' () | A destructor to clean up memory if a component is removed (usually not executed before end of simulation). |
ENTITY myentity IS GENERIC (Genpar : IN INTEGER); PORT (clk : IN BIT; data : INOUT INTEGER); FUNCTION SomeFunction RETURN BIT IS ...; END myentity;is transformed to
class L7testlib_E8myentity { public: L3std_Q8standard_T7integer G6genpar; signal<L3std_Q8standard_T3bit> *S3clk; signal<L3std_Q8standard_T7integer> *S4data; L3std_Q8standard_T3bit F12somefunction() { ... } L7testlib_E8myentity(name_stack iname, map_list *mlist); ~L7testlib_E8myentity(); };